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Ideas That Have Helped Mankind by Bertrand Russell

Bihar Board Rainbow English Book Class 12 Solutions 
Chapter 5 'Ideas That Have Helped Mankind by Bertrand Russell'

Text Book Questions and Answers

B. 1. Write ‘T’ for true and ’F’ for false statements :

  • Ideas help mankind. - T
  • Survival was never a problem for homo-sapiens. - F
  • Long infancy was a biological advantage to mankind. - T
  • Man’s earliest technical skill was devoted to increasing their population. - F
  • Congenital skills play a more important role than the acquired skills. - T
  • Unlike birds, human beings can foresee a catastrophe. - T
  • Forethought can avert physical danger. - T
  • The intelligent qualities account for the glory of man. - T
  • In a secure future, there are neither worries nor lack of joy. - F

B. 2. 1. Read the following sentences and write T for True and F for false statements :

  • Utilization of fire was a milestone in human progress. - T
  • The fire was used only for cooking. - F
  • Domestication of animals had nothing to do with religion. - F
  • Our earliest form of writing was pictorial. - T
  • The invention of agriculture was less important than the domestication of animals. - F
  • In the course of time, we have progressed. - T

B. 2. 2. Answer the following questions briefly -

1. Has civilization taught us to be more friendly towards one another?
Ans: Yes, civilization has taught us to be more friendly towards one another. Birds do not treat, their elder as human beings do to their elders providing an old-age pension

2. What is our attitude towards those 'outside our herd'?
Ans: Our attitude towards those outside our heard, despite all that has been done by moralists and religious teachers, our emotions are as ferocious as those of any animal, and our intelligence enables us to give them a scope which is denied to even the most savage beast.

3. What are the two broad categories of ideas that have helped mankind?
Ans: Two broad categories of ideas that have helped mankind are those that contribute to knowledge and technique, and those that are concerned with moral and political.

4. Did language play a role in human development?
Ans: Yes, language played a prominent role in human development. At what stage language began is not known, but we may be pretty certain that it began very gradually. Without it, it would have been very difficult to hand on from generation to generation the inventions and discoveries that were gradually made.

5. How many languages do you know apart from your mother tongue? Has it helped you in any way?
Ans: I know some other languages apart from my mother language such as English, Sanskrit, Urdu, etc. Yes, it has helped me in many ways such as to contact another person who does not know our mother tongue then we use English to express our feelings. English is widely spoken all over the world.

C.1. Long Answer Questions -

1. Discuss the ideas that have helped mankind.
Ans: ‘Ideas That Have Helped Mankind’ is an essay written by British philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. In this essay, he has depicted ideas that have helped mankind become civilized and superior to animals. Humans have intellectual abilities and moral qualities that make humans different from animals. Some of mankind’s inventions helped humans to become civilized. For example, the discovery of fire is considered a milestone in the race for civilization. Man started keeping domesticated animals with him. The domestication of such animals helped humans in many ways. The idea of ​​discovering and writing language elevated man from a wild creature to its present civilized state. Civilization gave the idea of ​​living in a family. It also gave society some criteria to live a moral life. Civilization taught us to be friendly with each other. On the other hand, some defects in humans are not found in animals, for example, emotions. Emotions take away the mental peace of man, but other moral and intellectual qualities help human beings to be happier and calmer. Ultimately, the invention of the printing press changed the whole picture of civilization. This led to the more rapid dissemination of information and accelerated the journey towards the civilization of mankind.

2. How are human beings different from animals? Explain.

Ans: Human beings are different from animals in such a manner that there are 21 (twenty-one) as his intellectual and moral qualities that separate human beings from animals. It is obvious that we know more than animals do, and it is common to consider. It is one of our advantages. Animals can not think like human beings, because human beings have extraordinary thinking power. It has highly sensitive power. Human beings are one of the most developed and advanced creatures of this world, So human beings are different from animals.

3. How has civilization helped us? Discuss.
Ans: Civilization has helped us in such a way that in ancient times we were just like animals. We hadn’t the knowledge of the way of life. We were not more advanced like today. Civilization has taught us to be more friendly towards one another. Civilization has made us developed. Within the herd, we are more friendly to each other than many species of animals, but in our attitude towards those outside the herd, despite all that has been done by moralists and religious teachers, our emotions are as ferocious as those of any animal, and our intelligence enables us to give them a scope which is denied to even the most savage-best.

4. It is important for us to be civilized ? Give examples of the civilized behaviour that you practise in your everyday life.
Ans: Yes, it is important for us to be civilized. Civilization is defined as the way of life is called civilization. We wear neat and clean clothes that are civilization. Daily we greet everyone and say, thank you, please. This shows us -as a civilized person. If we wear neat and clean clothes and talk with manners then we are known as a respected person and honoured by all. If we don't have these types of qualities, we are ignored by all. So it is important for us to be civilized.

C. 3. Composition -

a) Write a letter to your friend in Delhi about the culture of Bihar.

Nisha Jha
Patna – 800 004
15 May 2021

Hope this letter will find you in your pink health. Today I would like to aware you of the cultures of Bihar. The culture of Bihar is old and rich and its richness is still in existence. The culture of Bihar is like a tree whose shade gives shelter to all those who come under it. The culture tells you what this world is all about and what are its motives. The result that it gives is that the entire universe is one. The culture of Bihar is such that it cannot be ignored. It is the culture of Bihar which makes its people friendly, co-operative and helpful to others. Its culture is to respect everybody and every religion. Many politicians are trying to bring a bad name to Bihar but it is the culture that makes it going on and stands firm like a pillar.
Give my regards to elders & love to youngers.
Yours lovingly

b) Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the ‘significance of original thinking’.

Ans: There is a great importance of original thinking in life. People with original thoughts are always moving ahead. We can say that original thinking is the key to success. We have noticed that all those people who have achieved greatness in life are the original thinkers. They dared to think something different and new for the first time. People who just follow the wrong and unhealthy traditions are the losers in life. They just think about something which has already been thought by others. They are scared of thinking something new, and this is the reason they lag. We can make our life honourable by thinking something new for the first time

D. Word Study -

D.1. Dictionary Use -

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words -

  • numerus — numerous
  • prelimnary — preliminary
  • continualy — continually
  • vareity — variety
  • tekhique — technique
  • acquaintence — acquaintance.

D. 2. Word-formation -

Read carefully the following sentences carefully -
Given below is a list of words from the lesson. Write their anonyms by adding prefixes like ‘in-‘, ‘un-‘,
‘dis-‘, ‘im-‘.

  • advantage -disadvantage
  • certain - uncertain
  • definite - indefinite
  • friendly - unfriendly
  • moral - immoral
  • agreeable - disagreeable
  • sure - unsure
  • foreseen - unforeseen
  • pleasure - displeasure

D. 3. Word-meaning -

Ex 1. Match the words given in Column ‘A’ with their meaning in Column ‘B’ -

Column A

Column B


Covered with hair, furry


Sudden great disaster




Nod off







D. 4. Phrases -

Ex. 1. Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use the phrases in sentences of your own -

  • at any rate - We will buy the house at any rate.
  • have to do with - A doctor has to do with all kinds of people.
  • hand on - Please hand on this letter to Sima.
  • last for - Nothing lasts for ever.
  • tend to - People tend to listen to celebrities.

E. Grammar -

Ex. 1. Read the following sentences taken from the lesson, carefully -
(a) I will say a preliminary word about them.
(b) Birds die of hunger in large numbers during the winter.
You see that the word ‘about’ in the first sentence is used before a pronoun ‘them’. Similarly, ‘of, ‘in’ and ‘during’ in the second sentence are used before a noun ‘hunger’, a noun phrase ‘large number’, and a noun ‘winter’ respectively. Such a word or group of words used before a noun or pronoun to show relation in terms of place, position, time or method is known as preposition.

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions -

a) Please read in line 5 of page 10.
b) Birds die of hunger during the winter.
c) Mamta prefers coffee to tea.
d) Mahatma Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat.
e) Chhabi swam across the river.
f) We have become in certain respects less like animals.

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