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Snake by David Herbert Lawrence

Bihar Board Rainbow English Book Class 12 Solutions 
Poem 9 'Snake by D. H. Lawrence'

Text Book Questions and Answers

B. 1.1. Write T for true and F for false statements -

(a) It was a hot day when the thirsty snake came to drink water.
(b) The speaker was in a haste to drink water.
(c) The colour of the snake was yellow-black.
(d) The speaker considered himself a second comer to the trough.
Answers - (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T.

B.1.2. Answer the following questions briefly -

1) Where did the speaker meet the snake?
Ans) The speaker met the snake near the water trough of his house.

2) Why had it come out of its hole near the trough?
Ans) It had come out of its hole near the trough to drink water because the day was too hot and the snake was thirsty.

3) Why did the speaker decide to wait?
Ans) The speaker decided to wait because the snake had come first near the water trough while he (speaker) was a second-comer.

B. 2.1. Write T for true and F for false statements - 

(a) The snake looked at the speaker vaguely.
(b) The day mentioned in the poem is that of June.
(c) There was a superstitious belief in Sicily to kill a black snake.
(d) The speaker was glad playing host to a snake.
(e) The snake departed in an obliged way.
(f) The speaker had a desire to talk to the snake.
Answers - (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) F (f) T

B.2.2. Answer the following questions briefly -

1) How did the snake drink water?
Ans) The snake went to the water-trough and put his mouth in the water trough. He sipped the water with its straight mouth.

2) What is the meaning of ‘Sicilian July’ with Etna smoking?
Ans) ‘Sicilian July’ with Etna smoking means a very hot day of the July month in Sicily with extreme heat like the one caused when Mount Etna erupted.

3) What is the belief prevailing in Sicily about a snake?
Ans) The belief prevailing in Sicily about a snake was that black snakes are innocent whereas the golden ones are venomous and should be killed.

4) Why did the speaker like the snake?
Ans) The speaker liked the snake because it looked innocent and peacefully drank the water.

5) Do you think he had a conflict in mind?
Ans) Yes, I think that the speaker had a conflict in mind. He was afraid of the snake but still enjoyed its company.

B. 3.1. Write T for true and F for false statements -

(a) The speaker found the slow movement of the snake quite impressive.
(b) The speaker did not like the snake going back to the dark hole.
(c) He threw the pitcher at the snake.
(d) He later regretted having hit it.
(e) He compares it to a sea-bird, albatross.
(f) The snake appeared like a king in exile.
Answers - (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T (e) T (f) T.

B.3.2. Answer the following questions briefly -

1) What thing about the snake did appeal him most?
Ans) The snake came to the poet’s house to drink water calmly as a guest and departed peacefully after being satisfied. This appealed to him most.

2) Why did he not like it going back to the dark hole?
Ans) The poet did not like it going back to the dark hole because he was enjoying his company as his guest and saw him as the king of the underworld.

3) What was his reaction after hitting the snake?
Ans) The speaker regretted hitting the snake. He felt that he had committed a sin and his reaction was uncivilized.

4) Why did the speaker consider it “a king in exile”?
Ans) The speaker considered it "a king in exile" because it was peaceful and calm as a guest. It did not misuse its power.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions -

1) The speaker was fascinated by the snake. Do you think the time mentioned and the place it belonged to has anything to do with this fascination?
Ans) It was an extremely hot summer’s day. The speaker felt thirsty and went to his water trough with a pitcher to drink some water. There, he saw a golden-brown snake, who had come from a nearby hole for the same purpose i.e. to drink water. It sipped the water softly and peacefully with its straight gums from the water-trough. Being pacified it returned to the black hole of the earth, from where it had come. It vaguely looked at the speaker but did not harm him. The speaker was so much enchanted with its action and behaviour that he liked its association for some time. He was so admired that he thought it to be his guest. Furthermore, he was so fascinated that he considered the snake as a god. So, we can say that the time and place did help with the poet's fascination.

2) What does he mean by ‘the voice of my education?’
Ans) Snakes were considered dangerous or venomous based on their colours in Sicily. There is a saying that “the black serpents are innocent and the gold (yellow) are poisonous”. The speaker has been taught by his elders and forefathers to kill a golden or brown snake instantly. So, when he sees the golden-brown snake at the water-trough, he remembers this advice which he describes to us as "the voice of my education."

3) There was a conflict in the mind of the poet. How did he analyse this conflict?
Ans) Yes, there was a conflict in the poet’s mind when he met with the snake. The poet has always been taught by his elders that a golden-brown snake is venomous and should be killed instantly. However, the poet is enjoying the company of the snake as he considers it his guest. So, there is a conflict in his mind on whether he should kill the snake or allow it to return to the underground peacefully.

4) In what roles did he find the snake and himself? Describe.
Ans) The poet found the snake and himself in different roles according to the situation. The snake felt thirsty in the hot summer’s day and came out of the hole beneath the earth and moved towards the water-trough. Being thirsty, the poet also came out of his house with a pitcher and found the snake siping water. Since he was second to arrive, he decided to wait for his chance. He considered the snake as his guest as it chose his water-trough to drink water. He thought it proper to welcome his guest, at his place. Hence, we can say that the poet acted as a host to the snake which was his guest.

5) The snake seemed like a king in exile. What are the qualities that makes the snake so majestic?
Ans) The snake was very sober and peaceful. It quietly came and satisfied its thirst by sipping water and looked around like a god. The poet was highly impressed with its calm and gentle behavior. It caused no damage to the speaker nor it attacked him. It did not even react to the poet hitting its body with a stick. So, these qualities make him look like an uncrowned king in exile.

6) What makes you think that hitting the snake was quite against the sensibility of the speaker?
Ans) The speaker picked up a piece of stick and threw it towards the snake which did not hit its body but made the latter part of the snake's body left behind convulsed which indicated that the stick had caused a shock to the serpent. The poet became felt sorry for his indecent and undesirable act. He thought that he had sinned. It shows that hitting the snake was quite against his sensibility.

7) What is the 'sin' committed by the speaker that he wanted to 'expiate'?
Ans) After watching the snake sipping water from his water trough, the poet felt compelled to hit the snake with a stick. But immediately after hitting it, he regretted it. He thought that he had done a vulgar, shameful, and mean act. He felt that by doing this he had committed a sin, which he couldn't undo. He hated himself and his education which taught him to kill an innocent and peaceful snake. Hence, he wanted to accept punishment for this ‘sin’.

C. 3. Composition

Write a short essay in about 150 words on the following -

(a) Human greed and environmental degradation.
Ans) The nature around us, whether living or non-living, forms our environment. But this environment is deteriorating slowly. Human greed is a major factor that has led to the destruction of our natural environment. Humans are dependent on nature for all their basic needs but instead of using nature in a more considerate amount, we have resorted to uncivilized ways. Humans cut down trees in large numbers which affects the environment in all aspects. Along with it, hunting, industrialization, littering and, pollution are equally responsible human deeds. We are over-exploiting our resources which have resulted in their depletion. Harmful gases are spread all around inviting many diseases. Humans consider themselves the owner of nature depriving plants and animals of their rights. Hence, as humans, it is our responsibility to take care of our environment. We need to take major steps for its protection and stop harmful actions immediately. Only then can our environment survive longer.

(b) Religion teaches tolerance and humility.
Ans) Religion is a term misunderstood by people. It is not just connected from your birth but also your soul. It is known to give a specific identity to one in society. Throughout the world, we come across different religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc but all these religions give us the same principle of love and non-violence. They teach us to walk on the path of honesty, love, and humanity. We are taught the lessons of tolerance and humility. A truly religious person views every religion as the same. They respect and honor other religions as they do to their own. This forms the basis of social development and prosperity. It improves fraternity and strengthens national unity. Hence, religion is the foundation of a better society. If one understands his religion truly, he will surely bring love and brotherhood to others around him.

D. Word Study -

D. l. Dictionary Use

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words -


  • fishure — fissure
  • streight — straight
  • flikered — flickered
  • muzzed - mused
  • parvarsity — perversity
  • delibarately — deliberately
  • convalsed — convulsed
  • wreethed — writhed
  • fassination — fascination
  • uncrouned — uncrowned

D. 2. Word-formation -

Read the following lines from the poem carefully:

But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in undignified haste. Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld.

In the above lines ‘undignified’ and ‘uncrowned’ have prefix ‘un—’ which make them ‘negative’ in meaning.

Add prefixes ‘un-‘, in-‘, il—’ir’, ‘dis-‘ to the following words and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences given below:

(i) Pragya could not get good marks in the ‘writing test’ because of her……………….. writing fast.
(ii) Man becomes……………….. because of his action.
(iii) His……………….. behavior is not liked by us.
(iv) You cannot win the case by your………………… arguments.
(v) There are still many…………………. planets and stars in the universe.
(vi) His blunt refusal to come was a sign of………………….
Ans) - (i) disability, (ii) immortal, (iii) irresponsible, (iv) illogical, (v) unknown, (vi) disrespect.

D. 3. Word-meaning -

Ex. 1. Read the poem carefully to find out where the following phrases have been used.

looked at, looked around, drew up, 
put down. left behind, the thought of

Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrases listed above:

(i) Varsha…………………. her papers on the table and went out.
(ii) We could not a…………… better plan.
(iii) He ran slowly and soon was………………all other runners.
(iv) We…………. the painting in admiration.
(v) The acrobat……………. himself before jumping over the rope.
(vi) The thirsty man……………….. in search of water.
Ans) (i) put down, (ii) thought of, (iii) left behind by, (iv) looked at, (v) drew up, (vi) looked around

E. Grammar -

Ex. 1. Go through the poem carefully and underline the lines where the following words/nouns have been used:

slackness  clearness  cowardice  perversity
hospitality  blackness  pettiness  humility

Q. Change the above words in adjectives and use them in the following sentences:

(i) Mr. John has very…………… ideas on the success of democracy in India.
(ii) …………..men die several times.
(iii) Films should not glorify sex……………. behaviors.
(iv) The sky suddenly turned………………….
(v) He often perturbs his parents with demands.
(vi) Though he occupies a high post, he is quite
(vii) His……………… approach aggravated the problem.
(viii) Mrs. Juber was quite………………. with her guests.
Ans) (i) clear, (ii) Coward, (iii) slack, (iv) black, (v) petty, (vi) humble, (vii) perversive, (viii) hospitable.

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